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Rights Information
Rights Information for Individuals Facing Involuntary Treatment Proceedings
Handouts prepared by the Legal Advocacy Service for use in representing clients facing judicial proceedings.
Any statutes, references to case law, or other references to the law should not be relied upon without first consulting with a skilled attorney who is knowledgeable in the particular area of law.
The booklets found here were prepared to answer general questions and provide general advice. When reading the booklets keep in mind that the advice and information were created to assist readers with general issues, not specific situations, and do not serve as substitutes for the advice or representation of an attorney licensed to practice in the State of Illinois. If you do not understand or are unclear about whether the booklet or forms are applicable to or helpful with your specific situation, you should talk to a licensed attorney.
Any original writing found in the web site, such as the Practitioner’s Guide to Adult Guardianship in Illinois, may be copied and used, but only with proper attribution to the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission as the source of the writing.
The Guardianship and Advocacy Commission makes no representation that the forms and information provided here will achieve the desired result, and disclaims any responsibility for consequences of use of the forms or information or action taken in reliance on the forms or information provided here.
If you have further questions, or would like a copy of any of these documents,
please call our toll free number at 1-866-274-8023.
(If outside the State of Illinois please dial 1-708-338-7500).